Monday 22 May 2017

The All-In-One Yoga Workout for Busy Professionals - Ajit Patel Wellness

If you’ve got a high-pressured, time-consuming work life, trying to fit fitness in around your corporate wellness schedule can be a nightmare. They say that stressed out workers should try relaxing activities such as yoga, but then when do you have time for high-impact body workouts to help you lose weight? Luckily, this high-octane yoga hybrid firms, burns, balances, and stretches like nothing else, so you can do all you need to do for your body in the time you have. Limber up with a few sun salutations, grab your mat and gliding discs and let’s get going!
1. Badass Crawl: This move works your shoulders, chest, arms, and abs. Wellness expert Mary Christ Anderson instructs, ‘Start on floor in full plank position, palms on one end of mat, forefeet on gliding discs. Keeping legs steady, walk hands forward on mat until palms near other end. Lower onto forearms, one arm at a time, then crawl backward on forearms toward opposite end of mat, legs steady. Once you reach end of mat, return to full plank (rising onto palms); repeat. Continue for one minute.’
2. Skull Crusher with Scissors: This move targets triceps and abs. Christ Anderson outlines, ‘Lie faceup on mat, a dumbbell in each hand, with arms and legs extended toward ceiling, palms facing each other. Keeping upper arms fixed in place, bend elbows to lower dumbbells by ears as you lower left leg toward mat (without touching it down). Straighten arms as you switch leg positions. Continue for one minute, alternating legs.’ To make it easier, keep your legs extended up throughout.’
3. CrissCross: Target your shoulders, abs, obliques, and legs with this move. ‘Start on floor in full plank position, palms on end of mat, forefeet on gliding discs,’ Christ Anderson directs. ‘Keeping upper body steady, bring right knee toward left elbow by sliding right foot under body. Slide right foot back to start, then quickly switch sides and repeat. Continue alternating for one minute. 
4. Flye Warrior: This move works your shoulders, back, butt, and quads. Christ Anderson advises, ‘Stand with right foot staggered in front of left, holding a dumbbell in each hand with arms out to sides at shoulder level and elbows bent 90 degrees (like goalposts), palms facing forward. Lower into a lunge position, bending right knee 90 degrees and bringing left knee toward floor, as you bring bent arms together in front of you. (If right knee juts past toes, start with feet farther apart.) Return to start. Continue for 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.’
5. Warrior 3 Dead Lift: This is a move for your butt and hamstrings. ‘Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides, a dumbbell in each hand,’ Christ Anderson details. ‘Place right foot behind you slightly, toes on mat. Standing on left leg, knee slightly bent, hinge forward from hips as you raise right leg behind you until body is parallel to floor, arms hanging down. Hold for one count, then return to start, tapping right foot down. Continue for 30 seconds; switch legs and repeat.’
6. Forearm Plank to Pike: This move targets your shoulders, abs, and legs. Christ Anderson suggests, ‘Start on floor in plank position, forearms on mat and forefeet on gliding disks. Engage abs and, keeping legs straight, pull feet forward toward nose until body forms an inverted V (pike position). Slide feet back to start. Continue for one minute.’ For an easier version, bring your knees in towards your chest rather than piking up. To make this move harder, slide your feet out to sides, then back in, after each rep.
For more information please click Ajit Patel Sanda
Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet


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