Monday 22 May 2017

Bright and Beautiful: The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry - Ajit Patel Wellness

Sometimes, keeping your mouth clean and maintaining fresh breath are not enough to make you feel your very best. Crooked, chipped and missing teeth or issues with overall tooth alignment are all things that can diminish the appeal of your smile and make you feel less than confident when dealing with others. Following are four ways that cosmetic dentistry can have a significant impact on your self-image and on your overall quality of life.
Gain Increased Confidence and a Positive, Proactive Mindset
Feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed about your smile can make you less than confident in all life areas. People with damaged or missing teeth are often reticent to engage in intimate conversations with others or to make a broad range of facial expressions. This limits their ability to communicate openly and without reservation. Once your cosmetic issues have been corrected, however, you can smile broadly, lean in confidently and express yourself without fear of what others might think about the state of your mouth. Feeling more confident about yourself will also make you far more positive and proactive in both the professional and social arenas.
Make a Better Impression On Others
Not only will you feel better about how you look, but people will respond to you better as well. Your smile is the most noticeable feature that you have and as unfortunate as it may be, people are prone to making snap judgments based upon what they can see. A healthy and complete smile is the best way to show others that you value yourself, your health and your appearance.
Balance out Bite Forces and Preserve Your Smile
In addition to making smiles look a whole lot better, cosmetic dentistry also supplies a number of practical, functional benefits. As you may know as you age, your teeth begin to show signs of wear and tear.  Replacing a missing or badly damaged tooth will prevent the surrounding teeth from navigating out of their intended positions. This will also balance out bite forces when you chew, so that your healthy teeth will not be subjected to undue wear and tear.
Fewer Headaches
If you regularly suffer from headaches, missing or damaged teeth could be the cause. Imbalanced and misaligned bite forces place an incredible amount of stress on the jaws and facial muscles. Corrective, cosmetic procedures will make it easier for you to grind up your food without building up tension in the face that will eventually lead to a throbbing headache.
Cosmetic dentistry is not just about looking and feeling good about yourself. These procedures can have a tremendous impact on your ongoing oral health and on your health overall. They can also help you make positive impressions on others when showing off your smile.
For more information please click Ajit Patel Sanda
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