Monday 22 May 2017

Breaking Bad Habits: Tips to Train Yourself in Healthy Habits - Ajit Patel Wellness

The key to replacing your bad habits with good ones is practice. It takes time to develop healthy habits, but once these practices are instilled, they can last a lifetime. Read on for tips for your whole family needs to break, and train yourself to have a healthy lifestyle instead.
Choose a Substitute for Your Bad HabitIf you’re trying to stop a harmful behavior–for example, smoking cigarettes–it’s important to choose another that will substitute for the negative one. For example, each time you feel the urge to smoke a cigarette, chew a stick of sugar-free gum instead. Or, if you find yourself wanting to snack late at night, distract yourself with a good book, or some time relaxing in the bathtub.
Make Conscious DecisionsWhen you’re drawn to a bad habit, ask yourself why. For example, are you really hungry when you go for that late night snack, or are you just sad or bored? By determining the cause of your bad habit, you can be conscious about why you’re making that choice, and think about other ways to fulfill that need besides engaging in the habit you’re trying to break.
Cut Out Your TriggersIn most cases, the behavior you are trying to break is triggered by a similar behavior. For example, you might find that you want to have a cigarette when you have a drink after dinner. The solution? Cut out that after-dinner drink, at least until your smoking habit has been fully banished.
Connect With OthersWhen you’re getting rid of a bad habit, it’s harder to do it alone. So make it a family commitment. For example, if you want your family to practice better Complete Dental Health and hygiene in order to prevent gum disease in Detroit, brush and floss together after each meal. Try making it a game; for example, the person with the most stars on a brushing chart gets to pick a family activity that weekend.
Keep a Record of Your EffortsIt can be easier to break a bad habit if you commit to doing so on paper. And keeping a diary can be a powerful way to see exactly how often you’re engaging in unhealthy behavior. For example, if you’re dieting, write down what you eat each day to see where you’re slipping up.
While breaking bad habits can be challenging, by investing the time to train yourself in healthier behavior, you’ll be putting your family on the road to greater well-being.
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