Saturday 6 May 2017

The Pursuit of Excellence – The Key to Fulfillment and Feeling Good - Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Wellbeing

All things considered, our ultimate objective is to feel good. We buy most of the things that we do because we believe that they will make us feel good. We hang out with the people that we do in an effort to feel good. Most everything that we do is done in an effort to feel good.
The problem with that is that we are often left disillusioned. Once the shiny new car is bought and standing in the driveway we find that the feeling that we thought we would get is simply not there. Same with the big house that we worked so hard to get. We’re proud of those things, but other than that, it leaves us almost cold.
There is however a way that we can get that overwhelming feeling of fulfillment that makes us feel good all over and that is the pursuit of excellence. Feeling good over what we physically own is shallow and fleeting but feeling good over what we have accomplished is deep, lasting and cherished for a lifetime.
This feeling of fulfillment happens when we have set the bar a few notches above what we thought was possible for us and made it over the top. We then know that we’ve outdone ourselves and that is the sweetest of all victories.
People are not admired for what they own, they are admired for what they have accomplished. We all know that, yet, when it comes to us we tend to forget. It is what we have accomplished in order to be able to buy the big toys that will fulfill us. Not the toys themselves. It’s a small distinction that we often fail to make.
There is nothing inherently wrong with owning expensive houses, cars and boats. However, unless these acquisitions are the end product of service rendered or value provided, chances are that they will not offer the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction necessary for the lasting sense of feeling good which was the primary objective.
One of the fundamental human need is personal significance. Whether we are aware of it or not, we need to feel important, that we are someone, that we matter. This cannot be achieved unless we have the feeling that we are all that we can be and that we are expanding and growing as individuals.
To have that sense of significance we need to feel in control of most aspects of our life and that means growing faster than outside influences and circumstances. In other word, to fulfill the need of significance, we need to be able to fill our present place and that we are in growth mode getting ready to fill an even larger role. That can only be done through the pursuit of excellence.
The happiest people are the ones striving to achieve. It is the athlete in the pursuit of a place on the podium. It is the author trying to write a best seller or the artist who want to touch the world with his creation. These people are on a self-actualization and growth mode. They are creating their life and not simply reacting to outside circumstances.
Stephen Covey tells us that, "We should start with the end in mind." That is, we should define the objective first then find a way to attain it. Now we know that, for most of us, feeling good is the ultimate objective and we now know that this can best be done through the pursuit of excellence.
To feel good we need to constantly elevate the bar and meet the challenge. We need to outdo ourselves by stretching our personal resources. There is no sweeter victory than the ones that we have over ourselves and that can only be done through the pursuit of excellence. The key to satisfaction, fulfillment and that ultimate sense of feeling good.

For more information please click Ajit Patel Wellbeing

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet


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